After further enquiries to some manufacturers and suppliers about chemicals in bedding, I can offer the following updates for those who like to know more about the chemicals they are sleeping with. Most of the companies I contacted were helpful in supplying specific information (although an enquiry to the manufacturers of Tontine products received no response). I can report that the Dunlop foam that is used in bedding is not treated with Ultra … [Read more...]
Keeping toxic chemicals out of our beds: a cautionary tale
Last Friday 22 August I had ABC Radio National’s Life Matters talkback program on in the background and I noticed that it was about ‘chemical overload’ and one of the guests was respected science journalist Julian Cribb. He has just published a new book, Poisoned Planet: How constant exposure to man-made chemicals is putting your life at risk. My ears pricked up as I am chemically sensitive, which means that I have adverse reactions to some … [Read more...]